Investment Strategies - Taxable Fixed Income

At Carret Asset Management we professionally manage Taxable Fixed Income portfolios for total return
and current income. Additionally, a focus on preservation of principal is a key fundamental present in all of our bond strategies. We create and manage an efficient risk/return portfolio utilizing corporate bonds, U.S. Treasury Bonds, U.S. Government Agency Bonds, Preferreds (TruPS), MBS, Taxable Municipals, and ABS. Our research intensive bottom-up process provides the framework for all buy/sell decisions. Interest rate trends are forecasted as part of our process. We combine key economic inputs with extensive credit research to determine the appropriate duration, quality, and structure of each portfolio. Our custom-active strategy offers superior advantages versus a passive "buy and hold" or "ladder" approach.
Bond selection is limited to high quality investment grade bonds. Carret uses a value approach when buying and selling bonds. This method recognizes the inefficiencies of the taxable bond marketplace and enables clients to benefit from our expertise and market knowledge. Clients may gain advantage from the efficiencies of block trading as we obtain institutional pricing for the benefit of all portfolios regardless of size and objective.
Custom-active management of Taxable Fixed Income portfolios takes into account relative market values and yield with respect to credit quality and maturity - all within the perspective of our interest rate and yield curve forecast. Our market strategy takes into consideration the desirability of pricing, coupon, rating, and call features. Our market analysis considers the ever-changing spread differential between our investment choices. We diversify within each asset class to reduce risk and maximize total return expectations. Final security selection focuses on the business fundamentals of each company – including cash flow and earnings expectations, debt/equity targets, dividend and share repurchase policies and industry growth prospects.